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Stephen H. Provost is an author of paranormal adventures and historical non-fiction. “Memortality” is his debut novel on Pace Press, set for release Feb. 1, 2017.

An editor and columnist with more than 30 years of experience as a journalist, he has written on subjects as diverse as history, religion, politics and language and has served as an editor for fiction and non-fiction projects. His book “Fresno Growing Up,” a history of Fresno, California, during the postwar years, is available on Craven Street Books. His next non-fiction work, “Highway 99: The History of California’s Main Street,” is scheduled for release in June.

For the past two years, the editor has served as managing editor for an award-winning weekly, The Cambrian, and is also a columnist for The Tribune in San Luis Obispo.

He lives on the California coast with his wife, stepson and cats Tyrion Fluffybutt and Allie Twinkletail.


On Life

Ruminations and provocations.

Filtering by Tag: political correctness

Here's what Trump's base really wants

Stephen H. Provost

People have marveled how so many working-class Americans relate to a millionaire playboy. But that’s not what they relate to. They relate to his false victimhood and his desire to blow up a system they see as unfair... to them. Much of their victimhood is a figment of their imagination, but it serves a purpose. It’s a rationalization that gives them an excuse to spread more chaos.

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How "cancel culture" is fueling the collapse of civilized society

Stephen H. Provost

Those fixated on loyalty at the expense of facts obsess night and day on a single objective: canceling the enemy, by hashtag, by accusation, or if that doesn’t work, by more violent means. The impulse to “cancel” someone can’t get more brazen than QAnon lady rep Marjorie Taylor Greene suggesting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should be executed for treason.

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Lana Del Rey, Vogue, and how liberal shaming fuels Trumpism

Stephen H. Provost

If you’re struggling to make enough money to pay the rent and put food on the table, you probably don’t care about Kamala Harris’ photo or fashion magazines in general, and you may not care one way or another what Lana Del Rey thinks. To working-class people, criticisms like this appear to come from out-of-touch cultural snobs with too much time on their hands.

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Acting from Kindness, not Political Correctness

Stephen H. Provost

I'm not a fan of political correctness for one essential reason: It's a form of peer pressure. And peer pressure has produced everything from harmless fads such as Beatlemania and pet rocks to horrific realities such as segregation and the Japanese internment.

Like any other form of peer pressure, political correctness is, in its raw form, pure majority rule: a social construct for reinforcing behavior without the crucial safeguard of a constitution.

Unless, that is, we use our conscience.

Our conscience and personal ethics function as just such a safeguard - a personal constitution, if you will - in the face of peer pressure. Any peer pressure, from fan mania to institutional bigotry. That includes political correctness - which, by itself, is just as susceptible to whim and abuse as any other form of bandwagon thinking.

No substitute

One of the worst things anyone can do is substitute political correctness for the bedrock principles of conscience that come from within - to rely on it as the sole means of regulating society. Political correctness without conscience is like majority rule without a constitution. In a word, it's scary.

Two core elements of conscience are kindness and respect. People who display these attributes do so because they genuinely believe it's the right thing to do. It's an authentic expression of who they are.

Political correctness, on the other hand, is imposed from without - sometimes by force. It's a concept that says, "If you don't comply with what we've decided is appropriate, we'll shame you, we'll hold you up to public ridicule, we'll punish you for what we consider your bad behavior."

Necessary, not sufficient

Authenticity, in itself, is not the ultimate virtue. People can be authentic bullies, racists, sociopaths and jackasses. Some of those people deserve to be exposed and, yes, even shamed. But if we settle for political correctness as a substitute for authentic kindness, we do ourselves a huge disservice.

Personal ethics are our best line of defense against bigotry and hatred precisely because they're authentic. If we substitute a socially enforced and punitive system of peer pressure such as political correctness, we can never be sure whether the actions of those under this system are authentic or not. Are they acting voluntarily, or simply because they're afraid of being exposed, shamed and sanctioned by the majority? And if the system changes, can they be relied upon to continue their positive behavior?

Then again, what if the behavior isn't positive at all? Peer pressure can be - and has been - used just as easily and effectively to reinforce bigotry as to fight it, and public sentiments can turn on a dime when circumstances change. Someone who acts merely from fear of punishment can just as easily choose the opposite course when such a threat is removed.

Fear of Punishment

Political correctness works (insofar as it does), because it invokes this very fear of punishment. People walk on eggshells rather than acting with the genuine grace of authentic kindness. True respect requires no fear of retribution but, on the contrary, demand the fortitude to maintain one's principles even in the face of the same sort of fear political correctness seeks to harness.

Isn't it better to act on conscience than to work in behalf of another's agenda? To motivate respect rather than capitulate to fear?

Authentic kindness  should always be our goal. Political correctness is a poor and fickle substitute for the courage of our convictions.