Title, genre and length? Titania Academy 1: Faerie Misborn
When and where does it take place? It takes place in modern day, in Ireland, in the hidden world of Faerie. Some scenes that take place in New York City.
How did you come up with the title? I made it up. Misborn is the old word for bastard (born out of wedlock).
What inspired you to write it? My imagination.
Is there a sequel in the works? It’s already out: Titania Academy 2: Faerie Elemental.
Where, how can you get it? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XMPRCJT
Describe your book in one word that most people don’t normally use. Amazeballs!
What’s your most interesting chapter title? Chapter 26: The Faerie Ring.
Who would want to ban it? Probably the same people who banned Harry Potter.
To whom did you dedicate it and why? I dedicated it to homeless children, because my main character spent her first 14 years homeless.
Name, age and occupation: Holly Ó Cuilinn, age 14, occupation: freshman faerie.
Where and with whom does he/she live? Holly starts off homeless in NYC. After she is found by Titania Academy’s Seeker, she moves into the Academy castle. Her roommate is Liesl.
Who would play your protagonist in a movie? No idea. A 14-year-old girl who is on the smallish side. Platinum hair.